MVBC is an Old-Fashioned Independent
Baptist Church located in Cowpens, SC.

"If you have been praying and searching
for a place to belong, we say, Welcome Home!"

What to Expect

We meet together to focus our attention on God, giving Him our worship while seeking His blessing and inspiration. Words of praise, cheerful amens, and uplifting, Christ-honoring music encourage hearts and make services lively. Blessed are we to have an abundance of youth and young married couples who worship alongside our middle age and senior members. Nothing compares to the joy of Christian friendship. That is why we make it a priority to build lasting bonds between the members of our church family, bonds of concern and genuine commitment to one another. Best of all, this circle of care is ever widening. We’d love to include you, too. You will soon discover that our church is truly a family, rich in relationships that matter most. Through worship, service, laughter, tears, and knowledge, we grow together and reach out to our world with life-transforming truth. Our doors are open as well as our hearts.
We want your first visit to Mountain View
to be an uplifting, enjoyable experience!
Ample parking is available on both sides and behind the sanctuary. The sanctuary is easily accessible from each entrance; you are welcome to park and enter from any location that is convenient. We have Sunday school classes for all ages in our spacious educational facility. A staffed nursery is available for infants. There are no dress expectations for visitors. Our congregation lovingly welcomes everyone. You and your family may sit anywhere in the main auditorium. Ushers will welcome you and gladly answer your questions throughout your visit. We have a trained security/safety detail who diligently serve at every church gathering to ensure the safety and security of each attendee. Our enthusiastic worship services are Christ-honoring. They include congregational hymns, adult and youth choir singing, and inspirational selections from various soloists, trios, quartets and other groups. The pastor will preach Bible messages intended to evangelize and edify. Families worship and hear God’s Word together. Our youth and children remain in the sanctuary during worship services. People have genuine needs and hurts; it is our desire to help them through the issues of life by caring for others in tangible ways. We recognize that the greatest thing we can offer others is to help them discover Christ by communicating God’s love and forgiveness to them. This is the heartbeat of our church! Please join us this Sunday. We are confident you will leave joyfully saying, “Mountain View is a friendly church with a Bible message.”


Sunday School - 10:00 am
Sunday Morning - 11:00 am
Sunday Evening - 6:00 pm

Mid-Week Service - 7:00 pm

Come See Us

Questions? Get in touch.

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